Natural Remedies for Blepharitis

Blepharitis almost always corresponds to ongoing or continual soreness in regards to the eyelids. Blepharitis has turned into a standard dysfunction of the eye and is undoubtedly the primary cause of eye misery, inflammation and tearing. Further eye symptoms of blepharitis consist of: reddened eyes, itchy sensations, hyper sensitivity, flakey, crusted eyes that usually affects the individual during the early morning.

On the subject of blepharitis, there is virtually no precise source that causes the birth of the disease. However, you will quickly realize that there is several blepharitis types. Stricken men and women coping with staphylococcal blepharitis are usually younger adults having a short history of ocular complications. Victims of meibomian gland dysfunction and seborrheic blepharitis will likely be older and in addition to having more of a history with ocular issues.

During staphylococcal blepharitis you can expect to experience scaling along with crusting across the eye lashes. Seborrheic blepharitis is responsible for greasy scaling around the eyelashes. Sufferers typically experience seborrheic dermatitis on top of that. In Meibomian gland dysfunction you will find dominant blood vessels traversing your eyelid margin. Furthermore you will discover pouting or blockage of meibomian gland openings, along with poor flow of the oily meibomian secretions.

Chronic Blepharitis is an extremely frustrating condition, and most of the patients say that antibiotics alone do not help them heal faster. This is why, you should combine your regular blepharitis treatment with several natural remedies. Here are some things that you can do to heal faster and better:

Blepharitis treatment

  • applying warm compresses of black tea or chamomile. Both these extracts have been proved to be extremely helpful at reducing the inflammation of the eyelids caused by blepharitis. You only need to apply such compresses at least two times per day, for about 10 to 15 minutes

  • mullein tea or goldseal tea compresses are also very efficient in order to reduce the symptoms of blepharitis such as itchy eyelids or redness.

itchy eyelids

Besides the topical treatments which are extremely important (antibiotic ointments, warm compresses), you also need to pay special attention to your diet. If you want to heal faster, you need to start treating yourself from the inside out. According to several studies in the medical field, an increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids is helpful at reducing the blepharitis symptoms.

Therefore, you should definitely start introducing into your every day diet, omega-3 fatty acid rich food such as tuna, salmon and different nuts (almonds especially).  Your blepharitis treatment should be balanced, and contain important dietary intakes, plus the proper hygiene practices such as:

  • washing your eyes at least 3 times per day with pure water
  • scrubbing the lids at least once per day using an antibacterial soap for sensitive skin (or quality baby shampoo diluted with water)

red eyelids

  • relaxing your eyes- you should not force your eyes too much watching TV or staring at the computer monitor. Now your eyes are extremely sensitive and you need to protect them as much as possible
  • blink a lot in order to help your ocular glands producing all those important oils

Using heat for blepharitis treatment

Ever heard of flaxseed to help with your blepharitis symptoms ? Well that's what the Eyebag is designed for.  This innovative product gets heated up in the microwave for about a minute and then the patient places it over his upper face and relaxes while the eyebag does it's job.  It's the latest craze in the blepharitis treatment world, it's been recommended by numerous doctors around the world. 

Sure, there are other types of eyebags but the one that is the most effecient is the MGDRx EyeBag.  Heat is a must for one to soften the debris that are your eyelids.  This Product brings quality and last for about 200 uses while the cheaper might save you a few dollars but they will not be as effective or last as long! Many folks are also trying the cheaper route just to find themselves even more irritated than before. 

The alternative technique involves putting a cloth in hot water to let it soak then setting it on their face until it gets cold. This method is might help people that only suffer from minor blepharitis but if you are dealing with some severe symptoms that is probably not the best route to take.

Following the treatment of heat, it’s crucial that you delicately massage the eye area to ensure that it assists in putting out the oily  fluid within the tiny meibomian glands. Immediately following the above techniques, which will acquire no longer than 20 minutes of your time, consider employing a cleansing approach for instance moist pads. It’s generally encouraged to apply baby shampoo on a cotton ball dipped in hot water in conjunction with the shampoo.

I wouldn't doubt that daily, people will purchase lid scrubs as well as pads which is most likely the the easy way to go about it. In conclusion,  eye cleansing each and every day along with applying warmth to the eyes at least twice will be a key factor in order to keep this illness manageable.